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New Directions in the American Landscape: A Meeting of the Landscape Minds: Contemporary Landscapes at The Historic Green-Wood Cemetery (6 CEUs)
The Green-Wood Cemetery
500 25th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Friday, September 06, 2024, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Category: Workshops and Meetings

Rarely have so many influential design firms participated in the development of a single property as has been the case at The Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY. In recent years they have included Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Nelson Byrd Woltz, Phyto Studio, Larry Weaner Landscape Associates, Wolf Landscape Architecture, and SiteWorks. Learn how each of these innovative firms helped expand the rich horticultural heritage of Green-Wood to include cultural and ecological considerations – and overcome changing physical conditions.
