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Foundations of a Garden Design Business (12 CEUs)
Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST
Category: E-Learning

This 8 session course focuses on business foundations such as setting up your business, planning, schedules, clients, proposals and more.


Week 1 — Creating Processes: Systems that will save you.
Week 2 — Defining your Business: The what, who, how, where and why?
Week 3 — The Workday: Schedules, time blocks, tracking work.
Week 4 — The Design Proposal: What to include, determining pricing, invoicing.
Week 5 — Clients: Evaluating fit, maintaining engagement, red flags.
Week 6 — Business Framework: Structure, licenses, insurance, accounting.
Week 7 — Creativity: Making time for design work and inspiration.
Week 8 — Staying Motivated and Passionate: Dealing with overwhelm.